載着資訊的「媒體」(包括電視、報章、政府文件、課本、網絡等等)往往會因應其特質而提供他們詮釋的資訊,這個資訊再表述的過程涉及很多值得我們深思的問題。媒體素養(Media Literacy泛指個人在各類通訊處境中取用資訊理解信息表達意念的能力。這門知識能為通識教育提供一些實用指引,涵蓋學生在處理各類當代議題時需要展示的能力。本網誌旨在匯聚這方面的資料,以供教育工作者參考。


A Pedagogical Design of IT-Supported Inquiry Learning in General Studies

A Pedagogical Design of IT-Supported Inquiry Learning in General Studies

Abstract: This article mainly addresses the Hong Kong new Information Technology in Education policy to have
further integration of information technology into the learning and teaching process, particularly on the design of
IT-supported inquiry learning in the primary General Studies. The article focuses on the collaborative effort of the
teacher educators from the Institute of Education and the curriculum developers of the Hong Kong Education City
in the design of a web-based learning unit on “Earth Movement” to support pupils’ inquiry learning of science.
The article discusses the different modes of inquiry learning with the web-based learning unit in primary General Studies

So Wing-mui, Winnie
The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Kong Siu-cheung
The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Leung Wai-chi, Toby
Hong Kong Education City

Posted by Chitat Chan
Media Education i-World, Hkedcity

