Donna Chu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
Media education initiatives have been on the increase in the Asia-Pacific region in the past decade.Although they face similar curriculum and pedagogy challenges to their Western counterparts, Asianeducators also have other local and culturally specific factors to consider. In this study, the endeavorsof a retired media professional to identify and develop a sustainable model of media education arechronicled and discussed. The insights of the novice teacher offer critical and meaningful reflectionsfor practicing teachers in the design and implementation of media education. An experiential modelof media education that encourages the full use of “experience” in the learning process is discussed.This model also raises fundamental questions about teachers’ beliefs, school culture, and their implicationsfor media educators operating in a school context.
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
Media education initiatives have been on the increase in the Asia-Pacific region in the past decade.Although they face similar curriculum and pedagogy challenges to their Western counterparts, Asianeducators also have other local and culturally specific factors to consider. In this study, the endeavorsof a retired media professional to identify and develop a sustainable model of media education arechronicled and discussed. The insights of the novice teacher offer critical and meaningful reflectionsfor practicing teachers in the design and implementation of media education. An experiential modelof media education that encourages the full use of “experience” in the learning process is discussed.This model also raises fundamental questions about teachers’ beliefs, school culture, and their implicationsfor media educators operating in a school context.
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